Our Story
GupShupBakes is the sister company of the world famous GupShup, the best Shokupan Sando seller in these lands. And the key word is Shokupan, a sweet milk bread, that really is rocking the foodie world. GupShup bake their own, we believe, the only independent to do so in the UK, and that’s why GupShupBakes was created, to make magical Shokupan inspired breads and sweet stuff.
Shokupan is our thing. We can provide you with Burger Shokubuns and Doughnuts. That’s our speciality.
We also bake the best Sourdough you will ever ever eat, trust, and the best Brioche you will ever eat, trust. And of course, as we are young and eager to please, we can work with you to see what we can do for your catering proposition. Our bakers are ready to rise (HA HA) to any baking occasion.
Costs? Product range? Delivery? Nice people? Lol. Getting to know people we think is the best way to do business. Sure you can fill in forms and subscribe, we think a phone call and a hello is awesome. You buy into people not the company, isn’t that right?
Just call us and we’d love to know what we can truly do for you and understand your every need. Or if you prefer email and let us know what you’d like and when you’d like it.
Welcome to GupShupBakes, The Home of Shokupan.